What People Say

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View Tracey Martinsen's profile on LinkedIn

Note from a colleague :-)

My first stop is always you to see if we have something internal. Second stop is Google.

Gina Loutet, Controller for Tantalus Systems

Tracey was able to translate the business requirements/issues into pragmatic solutions for a growing company.

Philippe Favreau, Chief Operating Officer for Tantalus Systems

As a change agent, Tracey has constantly demonstrated her capacity of challenging the status quo, building teams, reaching consensus, implementing changes.

Dan Eddinger, Director of Field Services for Tantalus Systems

Every time I needed a complete solution to a problem, be it technical, business process, coalition building, or others, she led her team to execute through to completion with first-time quality.

Thomas Jacob, HR Manager, sent 2 years after I left

In our Safety Committee Meeting, it was agreed upon that we would still love to hear your voice imparting the “do’s & do not’s”. Is that something you would be interested helping us with?

Services provided as Sole Proprietor

Murray Gardner (mdgardner.com)

You provide a great site with my minimal input. You take the information I cobble together and produce a graphic and business look from my material. It saves me trying to learn web stuff and allows me to do what I do best.

Igor Rabinovitch (K P Wood)

Five people read your manual and all were impressed by the structure and simplicity of the manual. I didn’t get many corrections, just adjustments. Good job.

Mark Kaufmann (thelinguist.com)

Excellent! Thanks a lot Tracey. Both parts of the user guide are ready to go. They turned out great!

Laura Enridge (author of Tro-Tros and Potholes)

I just got off the phone [with the publisher] and everything that was FTP’d to him over the weekend is looking good… Thank you for all the hard and last-minute work and support in making this happen. The result is going to be nothing short of a major dream realized for me.