Monthly Archives: June 2014

IPv6 – Ready or Not?

As the world moves towards end-to-end service solutions, the role of the business analyst becomes ever more pivotal. Take an upgrade to IPv6, for example.

Many companies boast that they are “IPv6-capable.” The alert decision-maker recognizes this as an important warning. Here’s the translation: “The technology is ready – but my company is not.”

An IPv6 upgrade is only partly about the technology update. In an IPv6 conversion, redesigning your business workflows and retraining your people are the real key to success. IPv6 is the plan of record for the IT industry, but it is also so new that it is difficult to imagine all the ways in which it can serve your company’s purposes.

Intelligent consideration of these possibilities and a willingness to experiment rapidly with the best options, will quickly sort the winners from the pack.

Only readiness on all three levels: Technology, Processes and People, can ensure that these conditions exist for you.