Good judgment is likely key to strong leadership

By | July 3, 2014

I’ve been thinking about my experience working with senior leadership at the companies I’ve worked for.

In his book about Judgement, Noel Tichy makes the following points (among many others):

– Judgment is so important that it can’t wait to be framed and developed until it is needed; leaders must make the time to create a point of view and align and engage their team and stakeholders around it before the moment arrives when a judgment call is needed.

– The framework developed to make good judgments in high profile situations is just as relevant for general managers anywhere in an organization facing any major judgment call.

– Of all the classes of judgment calls, the ones involving people are the most critical, from those involving the selection of an organization’s new executive leader to those involving who should be on the leader’s team.

Leadership also depends on environment, of course; the skills required in a start-up are very different from those required in a large multinational.